​History of DAC

DAC is an unpolitical association. DAC was founded in 1984 with the purpose of creating awareness of the destiny of Afghanistan and the situation of the population during the Soviet occupation (1979 – 1989).

DAC has been working with health care in Afghanistan and originally in Pakistan ever since.

The board in DAC works on the background of the few and simple regulations. In § 1 the vision of the committee is described as “to improve life quality for the Afghan population – with special focus on women, children and vulnerable groups – among other through work to provide equal access to health care for all Afghans”.


DAC starts a two year long term project about prevention and treatment of diabetes. The project focuses on information to the people and capacity building of the medical staff at General Hospital, the provincial hospital in Herat. The project is financed by World Diabetes Foundation, WDF.

DAC extends the project again financed by CISU.


DAC starts a one year project about health care rights in the Enjil district at the outskirts of Herat City. The project focuses on informing the population about the health care services which they are entitled to according to the guidelines from the Afghan government. The project is financed by CISU.


With support from DANIDA (The Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs) DAC operates a health care system for about 500.000 people in the districts of Gozarah, Pasthoon Zarghoon and Obei in Herat province. The system which is gradually developed from 1998 – 2015 has more than 300 Afghan employees in a district hospital, 19 health clinics and 181 health posts. Furthermore 362 health care workers in the villages and three mobile teams are connected to the project.

Besides DAC builds and operates a dormitory with room for 116 female students, primarily within health care education. The committee also runs a small project with vocational training of women in sowing and embroidery. DAC also for a period of time supports very poor families and IDPs (Internally Displaced People) in refugee camps. The work is supported by DANIDA and DFID and from membership fees and presents from committee members.

In June 2015 MOPH entrusts its health care system to the Afghan NGO BDN (Bakhtar Development Network), who won the bid for delivering health care service in all of Herat province.


1990-1992 DAC operates a hospital for 40.000 Afghan refugees in Chitral near the Afghan border in north-western part of Pakistan. DAC also trains so called ‘medics’ among the local population.

1992-1995 DAC co-operate with General Hospital, the province hospital in Herat city in the Herat province in western Afghanistan. The tasks are focused on improving hygiene renovate the blood bank and improving the surgical section among other by capacity building of staff in anaesthesiology.

In 1994 DAC changes strategic focus from General Hospital towards the rural population who has very little access to health care services. DAC applies DANIDA for funding a project about primary health care in Gozarah district outside Herat city. Because the special situation with the Taleban takeover in 1995 the start of the project is delayed until 1998.


In 1985 DAC inspired by the work of MSF (Médicins Sans Frontières) sends a mobile team of doctors and nurses into war torn areas of Afghanistan where they support the population with health care services.

In 1989 DAC establishes an emergency hospital in Nangahar province in Afghanistan. Unfortunately renewed war acts made it necessary to close the hospital again after a short while. The expatriate staff instead travels to Pakistan, where they offer surgical assistance to war victims in hospitals in Peshawar.

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Den Danske Afghanistan Komité

CVR: 13788588​


Ankermandsvej 7
2650 Hvidovre


Telefon: +45 28 11 00 12

E-mail: dac@afghan.dk

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